Sunday, May 24, 2009

An Interesting Observation

Whenever I'm home in St Louis, the first thing I do when walking in the door is head straight to the kitchen, walk into the pantry, and eat something. No matter where I returned from or what I was doing, the first thing I need to do when I get home is eat.

I noticed this for the first time yesterday, after walking through the door after both lunch and dinner, when I was perfectly satisfied food-wise. There was absolutely no reason for this mindless munching.

Must work on tweaking this habit. When I think about what I ate, I must have had at least 200 completely unnecessary calories each time.

I don't want to become a freak about this stuff, and if I'm hungry I'll eat--but I consider it a positive that I noticed the behavior and want to work to fix it. I also decided that I am not going to put a feeling behind the behavior.

No guilt allowed this summer.

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